Francisco Tirado Fernández
Francisco Tirado Fernández is a professor of Computer Architecture and Technology at the Complutense University of Madrid Department of Computer Architecture and Automation. In addition to his teaching and research activities, he has also held numerous administrative positions, including: coordinator of the National Planning and Assessment Agency (ANEP), director of the National R&D Plan, Vice-President for Research at Complutense University of Madrid, director of the Centre for Supercomputing, and director of the Madrid Science Park.

Petia Radeva
Petia Radeva is an expert in the field of image processing and artificial intelligence. She is a full professor at the University of Barcelona, PI of the research group “Computer Vision and Machine Learning”, coordinator of the Perceptual Computing Laboratory (BCNPCL) at the University of Barcelona, and director of the Medical Imaging Laboratory (MILab) at the Computer Vision Centre. Her research interests are on development of learning-based approaches for computer vision and image processing.

Antonio Bahamonde Rionda
Antonio Bahamonde Rionda is a full professor of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Oviedo. The main focus of his research is in the area of Automatic Learning. In addition to his teaching and research activities, he has also held management positions in numerous scientific associations, and served as president of the Spanish Artificial Intelligence Association (AEPIA) and vice-president of the Spanish Computer Science Society (SCIE). He is currently coordinator of the Computer Science and Information Technology section of the National Planning and Assessment Agency (ANEP).

Aurélio Campilho
Aurelio Campilho is a senior lecturer in Computer and Electronic Engineering at the University of Porto, and coordinator of the Biomedical Engineering Research Centre (C-BER) of the Institute for Computer, Technology and Science Systems and Engineering (INESC TEC). His main research interests include biomedical engineering, medical imaging analysis, image processing, and computer vision. He is the president of the International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR).

Rui Carlos Oliveira
Rui Carlos Oliveira is an associate professor with Habilitation at the Informatics Department of the University of Minho. He is member of the Board of Directors of INESC TEC, director of the Minho Advanced Computing Centre, and co-director of the UT Austin Portugal program. His main research contributions have been in the field of fault-tolerant distributed agreement and epidemic communication algorithms and in the conception, development and assessment of dependable database systems.

Miguel Ángel García Cumbreras
Miguel Ángel García Cumbreras is an associate professor at the University of Jaén, member of the research group SINAI (Intelligent Information Access Systems) and deputy director of the Jaén Higher Polytechnic School. He has a large number of international publications, conference papers and participation in research projects. His research is focused on human language technologies (HLT): information retrieval, natural language processing, text mining, response search systems, sentiment analysis and opinion mining, etc.

Antonio Plaza
Antonio Plaza is a full professor at the Department of Technology of Computers and Communications at the University of Extremadura, where he is the Head of the Hyperspectral Computing Laboratory (HyperComp). He is a highly cited researcher. His main research interests comprise remotely sensed hyperspectral image analysis, signal processing, and efficient implementations of large-scale scientific problems on high performance computing architectures, including commodity Beowulf clusters, heterogeneous networks of computers and clouds, and specialized computer architectures such as field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) or graphical processing units (GPUs).

Miguel Toro Bonilla
Miguel Toro Bonilla is a professor of Computer Languages and Systems at the University of Seville. In addition to his teaching and research activities, he has served as the director of the University of Seville Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer (OTRI) and managing director of Research, Technology and Business for the Regional Government of Andalusia. He has been president of the Spanish Computer Science Society (SCIE). He also works with a number of regional and state agencies for the assessment of R&D&I projects, research institutes and research activities generally.

Inmaculada García Fernández
María Inmaculada García Fernández is a Full Professor at IBIMA (Málaga Biomedical Research Institute and Nanomedicine Platform) at the University of Málaga, where she is a member of the research groups CTS-159 and “Basic and Applied Aspects of Neuropsychiatric and Neurodegenerative Diseases”. She is currently president of the Spanish Computer Science Society (SCIE). Her lines of research include studies in animal and cell models of the molecular bases of diseases related to oxidative stress and especially in neurodegenerative diseases, and endocrine protection factors.

Antonio Vallecillo
Antonio Vallecillo is a professor of Software Engineering at the University of Málaga, where he conducts research on software modeling and analysis. He coordinated the Computer Science and Information Technologies subarea of the Spanish Research Agency (AEI). He is vice-president of the Spanish Computer Science Society (SCIE). He is also Senior Member of ACM, AAIA Fellow, and member of the Academia Europæa. His research interests include model-based software engineering, open distributed processing and software quality.

Javier Rodríguez Fonollosa
Javier Rodríguez Fonollosa is a telecommunications engineer and senior lecturer at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. He was the coordinator of the Consolider-Ingenio 2010 COMONSENS project, which brought together over 135 researchers from ten different universities, and also coordinated the Communications and Electronic Technology section of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) National Research Plan (2010-2014).

Javier Díaz Bruguera
Javier Díaz Bruguera is a professor of Computer Science at the University of Santiago de Compostela and head of design engineering at ARM in the UK since 2015. His research interests are on computer arithmetic (floating-point arithmetic, algorithms and architectures, elementary functions, cryptography, accurate arithmetic, decimal arithmetic) and computer architecture (transactional memory, functional units, manycore architectures).