Presentation of the thesis projects of the international doctoral programme 3-i ICT
The ICT Research Centre (CITIC) of the University of A Coruña hosted on Tuesday 23 May the presentation of the international doctoral theses of the 3-i ICT (International, Interdisciplinary and Intersectoral Information and Communications Technology PhD Programme), an innovative programme for attracting pre-doctoral talent awarded to the UDC centre last year.
Specifically, three of the eight research projects planned under this plan, which offers extensive training in research and transfer skills and will provide a solid competitive advantage in the professional development of the participants, were presented. In addition to the doctoral students and researchers, the event was attended by the head of European projects at CITIC, Cristina Villar, and the director of CITIC, Manuel Penedo, who recalled that this is the first programme awarded to a Galician institution within the European call MSCA- COFUND of the European framework programme H2020.

Time: 11:00 a.m to 12:15 p.m
Place: CITIC – Cloud Room
11:00 h – 11:30 h.- Opening
12:45 h – 13:20 h. Presentation of the thesis projects:
Sequence Labelling Parsing for Applied Natural Language Processing. Carlos Gómez, Margarita Alonso and Muhammad Imran.
Wireless virtual sensing for control applications. Luis Castedo, Francisco J. Cuadrado and Dariel Pereira.
- Flexible cure models in data science to predict sustained remission in rheumatoid arthritis. Ricardo Cao, Francisco J. Blanco and Blanca Estela Monroy.